Monday, February 26, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

So much for my sustained productivity level! Not much knitting has been going on in these neck of the woods. Actually, while I haven't been very productive in terms of knitting, I have been very busy in all other aspects of life. It's the same old story, really. Work has been a real bear in regards to my project load. I think I have about six projects that I am designing all at once, and those are in addition to the other day-to-day administrative stuff that needs to be taken care of for each project. And then there's school and my crazy two-class workload plus three-day-a-week observation of a high school American Literature class. Working a busy full-time job and taking a heavy load of coursework has been doing quite a little number on my stress level, but at this point I realize that all of this is a necessary evil. If I want to earn my master's in secondary education and become a certified teacher, by golly this is what I have to be subjected to!

However ..... as a little diversion and a welcomed break, we have just finalized plans for an Easter vacation to Las Vegas!!!

Whohooo! It will be a first for me, and although I am not much of a gambler or drinker, I'm just looking forward to being there and taking a break from the daily grind! We're going with some close friends of ours, and tops on our list is getting out to the desert and taking in all that the western landscape has to offer. Hopefully having this trip marked on our calendar will give me the motivation I need to push through the next few weeks with a smile!

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